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Family Homes, Coach Homes, Cabins, Duplexes and Multi-Family, built out of stick frame timber, CLT, SIP's, steel, concrete, masonry or any combination. Miskimmin Structural Engineering has extensive experience in all residential design and can help you pick the best material(s) for your new home.


Miskimmin Structural Engineering has extensive experience designing every type of building from Schools and Hospitals to Churches and Health Centres. Many of the designs use multiple material types including concrete, steel, timber and masonry.


With a Civil Engineering background, Miskimmin Structural Engineering understand the specific goals and requirements that you need to achieve with your project. We are perfectly equipped to ensure its successful completion.


Whatever your engineering needs might be, Miskimmin Structural Engineering can respond quickly and provide you with the solutions and advice you need to keep the cameras rolling.